Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What Guests Remember?

Written by Decadent Details Assistant, Anna Hamilton

What will people remember most about your reception?  The table arrangements?  The music? What beverages were served?  My bet is that they will remember how great, or not so great, the food/ refreshments were following your wedding ceremony.  It was just the other day when I overheard someone speaking of how magnificent the food was at a wedding reception they had recently attended. 


What comes to mind when you think of good food? For some, it could be seafood while others wouldn’t choose anything over a big greasy cheeseburger.   Well, no matter your taste, it is still nice to have a variety of refreshments to be served at your reception.


I have been to weddings where there were only vegetable trays available for refreshments and I have been to weddings where a four course meal was served to every guest.  Okay, I know we all hate to think of this, but let’s face it- a huge factor in deciding what kind of food to provide at your reception depends a lot on the kind of budget you are working with.  Nothing is wrong with that at all.  Being considerate of the guests that will be in attendance at your wedding/ reception is something to keep in mind while choosing the right menu for the reception, though.  For instance, if you know there are many children that will be attending with their parents then don’t just serve grilled chicken and veggies-- or if ya do, be sure to have foods that will satisfy the children as well.  This doesn’t mean you have to go all out and just “cater” to the children, of course, but just provide a tray of mini pizzas or chicken nuggets. 

Also, the food should be visually appealing.  Having an assortment of colors of food will add to the atmosphere.  If you’re wondering what I’m talking about- I am referring to how the food can contribute greatly to the decorations in the reception.  A good way to ensure there is a splash of color is by having fruit displayed in a neat way.  Kind of like the “Edible Arrangements” or the “pie pops”.

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